Length and Height Calculation Method of Elbow

by | Jul 7, 2022 | Industry Knowledge

The elbow size is calculated as follows:

  1. 1.5 times the malleable iron pipe elbow center high = diameter * 1.524, in fact, is the diameter * multiple, Round off the decimal places of the results obtained by rounding the digit of the decimal place, such as the path of 219 is 200, the center height is 200 * 1.524 = 304.8, 305; If the path of 114 is 100, the center height is 100 * 1.524 = 152.4, take 152.
    (Suitable for DN100 and above elbow radius of curvature of the algorithm convenient and quick calculation).
  2. Stamp height = center height + radius of the elbow, such as 1.5 times the diameter of 219 elbow stamp high = 305 + 219 / 2 = 305 + 109.5 = 414.5
  3. Malleable iron pipe elbow arc length = (center height + radius) * 3.14 * 2 / 360 * degrees, That is, (stamp height) * 3.14 * 2 / 360 * degrees, which can be calculated 90 degrees elbow arc length = stamp height * 3. 14 / 2
  4. Malleable iron pipe elbow inner arc length = (center height – radius) * 3.14 * 2 / 360 * degrees.
  5. Malleable iron pipe elbow cutting length = elbow center height * 3.14 / 2 * elbow outside diameter / pipe diameter + (pipe wall thickness * 3) + processing allowance, If 180 * 8 tube blanking, push 273 elbow, with the above formula can be calculated, blanking length = 381 * 1.57 * 273 / 180 + 24 = 931.22mm + processing allowance.
Malleable Iron Pipe Elbows
Tags : Elbow